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Your Team’s Family is Your Salon’s Magic
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

Your team’s family is your “magic.” It’s what makes your salon different from any other salon out there.

You might have the same value as another salon but the way you show up and live that value could (and likely will) look very different.

Your primary goal as a business when it comes to recruiting is: be able to articulate what is different about you. Why are you magical as a team?

Think about things that you think make your team really special.

It’s very common in the salon industry for every salon to pick the word “education” or “training”.

I’d like to invite you to dive more into what that really means to your brand, in order to differentiate yourself.

It is not enough to just say we love education- because EVERY salon says this.

Deciding to get clear on your magic and attract your salon family or community means you might say something like this:

We value expertise. We don’t settle for less than being known as the very best.”

We value knowledge. We care about staying current with all hair and beauty trends.

“We value the craft of hair. This means we train daily to be better.

Each of these examples say you care about education or training, but they say it in a way that makes you unique.

You should do this with all of your values so you can stand out and attract the right hairdressers or stylists into your salon family.

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