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My journey with ads: from confusion to clarity
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

Ever wondered if running ads could be the missing piece in expanding your salon’s reach and attracting top talent? (and clients)

Many salons enrolled in the Salon Recruiting Bootcamp inquire about the effectiveness of ads in attracting talent. While they acknowledge the potential of Ads in acquiring more clients (provided they know how to manage them), they remain uncertain about their utility in finding talent.

The answer, my friends, is a resounding yes!

But here’s the catch: Ads work best when they complement a solid foundation of organic content.

So, what exactly is organic content? It’s the soul of your salon’s social media presence—the everyday posts that showcase your brand’s personality and value. And let me tell you, Instagram is where the magic happens. According to the 2024 Beauty Workforce Survey, it’s the go-to platform for beauty talent scouting.

But before you dive headfirst into Ads, here are a couple of things to consider:

  1. Page Perception: Imagine a potential candidate stumbling upon your ad, intrigued by what you offer. They click through to your page, only to find it gathering digital dust. Not a good look, right? Consistent posting is key to maintaining a vibrant and engaging social media presence.
  2. Social Media Confidence: Ads should be the cherry on top of your organic content cake. Without compelling content to back them up, you risk losing potential leads in the vast sea of social media. They are coming to your page to learn about you and the value you could offer to them. (This is exactly what we teach you in the Salon Recruiting Bootcamp.. the May 8th class enrollment closes in a few days but you still have time to join us and learn this skill)

Click here to learn more.

So, how do you get started on the path to consistent posting?

  • Define Your Frequency: Whether it’s once a week or five times a week, consistency is key. Just like hitting the gym, regular posting yields the best results.
  • Craft Compelling Content: Showcase your brand’s unique value proposition and watch engagement soar. You can share content on your salons page that brings value to clients and talent! (Bootcamp for the win here to help you do this)
  • Take Action: Commit to your posting schedule and track engagement metrics to fine-tune your strategy.

Using Facebook and Instagram ads to help with salon recruiting.

Once you’ve mastered the art of organic content, it’s time to dip your toes into the world of Ads. But fear not—I’ve done the legwork for you.

In 2023, I took a leap of faith and invested in an agency to handle our Ads. Let’s just say the results were less than stellar. But from that disappointment came a valuable lesson: I wanted to understand Ads inside and out before entrusting them to someone else.

That’s when I stumbled upon Jana Bishop’s Ads courses. Affordable, user-friendly, and downright game-changing, they demystified the world of Ads for me. She seriously makes it so simple.

If you’re ready to take your salon’s social media game to the next level and drive more leads your way, I highly recommend checking out Jana’s courses. And if you need help with the first step, creating quality content that is appealing to your audience, check out the Talent Match courses here and choose the one that is best for your salon goals.

Trust me—you won’t regret it. Click the link here to see her program and sign up.

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