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Amenities aren’t the secret to staff retention
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

When I talk to people in leadership roles today, especially those who lead multi-generational teams, the frustrations always sound the same.

  • They are perplexed by the assumed needs of their team
  • They are frustrated by the seemingly growing level of entitlement
  • They are tired of the constant conversations with staff who say, “they don’t know what they want to do with their life”
  • They don’t know how to compete with booth rent

Right now, leaders are feeling overwhelmed with how to help their staff love the work more, be more present, and ultimately be more committed to the company for a longer-term period.

One myth of 2020 is that “things” or amenities build the most loyalty.

I want to invite you in to think about how YOU can impact your teams loyalty far more than any amenity the salon might offer to them.

Great leaders are always striving to be better leaders. They want to learn everything they can to be better- because they care greatly about the people who follow them.

To be an effective leader you have to carve out time to be an effective leader, which requires that you carve out time to learn how to be an effective leader. It’s easy to imagine that the people you admire for their strengths in guiding people are just naturally awesome- not the case. They work really hard to learn all of the time.

Your team is made up of humans- whether they belong to the boomer generation, Gen Z, or one of the others in the middle they share a common need- to be connected.
When connection exists in any relationship in our life we feel cared for and important.

As salon leaders we have ample opportunity to get more connected. Here are my favorite ways.

  • Coffee chats in the breakroom to talk about the weekend
  • Consistent performance feedback sessions
  • Open door policy to talk about anything
  • Collaborative conversations about the business
  • Birthday and anniversary cards
  • Monthly gratitude gifts

What are yours?

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