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Hiring The Right Person For Your Salon Front Desk Team
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

We form our first impressions within 5-7 seconds of meeting someone. You know this fact, and you have probably thought about this when you consider hiring a front desk staff member because they are often the first point of contact for your clients. 

But have you considered the impact this person has on your team?

Hiring the right front desk staff member for your salon is highly influential to your team’s happiness- and ultimately their longevity in your business.

Beyond their ability to book appointments correctly they are also the first face your stylists encounter when they show up to work every day. Is it a good first impression- every single time? 

As salon leaders and salon managers, you know all too well the power of energy on your salon space.

We can feel it when someone is in a bad mood or having a tough day at the salon. It’s important that you hire front desk team members who can be the source of increasing positivity and efficiency in your business – never pulling from it.

So how do you hire the right desk staff to enable your clients AND employees to feel great in your salon? 

  1. Survey your existing team to uncover what they think makes an ideal front desk team member for your business. Ask them what traits this person has, what behaviors they have, and how they make them feel. 
  2. Design a job description to attract this ideal candidate. Don’t just go with a generic receptionist job posting. Add some flair and your brands magic to this job description so that they are a strong cultural fit for your brand and when they read the posting they can see themselves in the role.
  3. Have a kick ass training program for them. You cannot assume that just teaching your front desk how to use your POS is going to provide you the level of excellence and performance you desire from your front desk staff. Take the initiative to help your front desk team members gather additional skills by giving them training. Two of my favorite salon front desk training resources… (PIP and Beauty Backbone)
  4. Post the job. Once you have a job description together for this posting take advantage of your team’s incredible network. 
    • Make a social post sharing the job and tag each of your team members in it. Then ask them to share the post into their own feed. One and done is not a hiring solution so be sure to duplicate this act to maximize your posts exposure.
    • Of course, you should also place this in other job platforms, but I highly recommend you start where you have a captive audience of raving fans- with your service providers on social media.

If you need help surveying your team or writing a magnetic job description let Talent Match help. Book time for a discovery call with us or send an email. 

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