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Culture Fit > Job Qualifications

Finding talent in the beauty industry is feeling harder than ever before. Salons across the country are struggling to recruit stylists and other beauty professionals for their team. We know from the 2020 Beauty Industry Workforce Report (powered by Talent Match) that today’s workforce says the #1 reason they choose a salon is because of its culture. They want a team that “feels like a family.

We are building the solution.
Matchable™ Is in development!


A one of a kind team building tool that is going to help the entire industry change the way they hire. Our tool lets you hire for Culture Fit and Criteria fit so that you can enjoy increased longevity, greater performance, and increased life satisfaction. This applies to you if you own the business, lead in the business, or are the stylist looking for a job.  We are solving this problem with both parties in mind! 


A one of a kind team building tool

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