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Start Your Salon’s Lifecycle Marketing Journey with These 3 Tips
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

Today, I want to introduce you to the concept of lifecycle marketing. This approach considers every stage of your prospective talent’s journey with you, from initial contact to long-term engagement. It includes the lead you meet at a school interview but don’t hire, or the stylist you chat with on Instagram but never interview. For clients, it’s about the one-time visitor who doesn’t return or the loyal customer who suddenly stops coming.

We need to view all these prospects, clients, and potential hires as individuals to understand what attracts them to us and what causes them to leave. Did an email prompt them to spend more? Was it an Instagram post that inspired them? Did a conversation at a beauty school catch their attention, or was it the fifth Instagram direct message that finally did the trick?

Many leads are abandoned too soon, and clients or team members often slip through the cracks. The main challenge with lifecycle marketing for salons is tracking all this data—a common problem across many businesses. But before addressing data tracking, we must ask ourselves: are we currently marketing across multiple channels to attract new customers? Are we focusing on both new and returning clients?

I’ve been working with salons on their marketing strategy for both talent and clients, and we help you seriously demystify it. When you understand the plan and have a strategy, you can effectively plan your channels and address each person throughout their lifecycle with your brand. You can achieve this with us by booking time to chat or joining one of our many online programs. Alternatively, you can start working on it on your own.

Here are three simple tips to start considering lifecycle marketing, whether you’re attracting new clients and talent or retaining them:

  1. Map Out Your Customer and Talent Journey: Identify the key stages from first contact to long-term engagement. For clients, this could be their first appointment, follow-up visits, and loyalty rewards. For talent, think about initial outreach, interviews, onboarding, and career development.
  2. Engage Consistently Across Multiple Channels: Use email, social media, and in-person interactions to maintain a consistent presence. Provide valuable content tailored to each stage of the journey. For example, share hair care tips and promotions with clients, and career growth opportunities and industry news with potential hires.
  3. Track and Analyze Data: Start simple by keeping a record of interactions and feedback. Use this data to understand what strategies work best at different stages. Tools like CRM systems can help, but even a basic spreadsheet can be a good starting point to monitor trends and adjust your approach accordingly.

By implementing these tips, you’ll begin to see how lifecycle marketing can attract and retain clients and talent, helping your salon thrive.

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