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Offering Benefits to Your Team
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Talent Match

Helping salon owners convert their culture story into a recruiting magnet ✨

Salons have a long-standing reputation as being “second-rate” career choices. 

This comes from old stereotypes around trade school education and a broader lack of understanding about the incredible value and opportunity working in the beauty industry brings. 

As business leaders in the beauty industry running salons, spas, barbershops, or any other beauty industry establishment, it is more important than ever that we bring business practices to the table that elevate our industry. One of these practices is offering benefits to our teams.

Benefits have traditionally not been offered by the majority of salons – simply because they could not afford them. However, as the hiring market tightens up and becomes more and more competitive, salons have to consider how to find the budget to offer this expected “perk” to their teams.

In the 2020 Workforce Survey, stylists tell us that they would choose a job without benefits but also leave a job for not offer benefits. (Be sure to check out my video on these stats to hear the details.) 

We can easily understand that they would take a job without benefits because we are typically employing younger workers who are still on their parents’ insurance. However, as they age and evolve in life, the need for benefits of their own becomes a more pressing matter. It is absolutely a retention tool to offer healthcare benefits, dental, and paid vacation.

If you are a salon that has not offered this in the past because of cost, my recommendation is to look in two places for support. 

1. The first place is with the Pro Beauty Association who helps its members gain access to great prices on healthcare policies. 

2. The second place I would suggest that you go is to PIP University. This education company is the best in the market for helping you understand how to level up your profit and find areas of overspend that could free up the money you need to feel confident affording benefits for your team. 

When you think about your recruiting strategy and what today’s workforce expects, paid benefits and paid vacation time need to be part of your offering.  

If you want to learn more about what the workforce says they want and need from their employers be sure to follow my Instagram where I release the most current stats from the research. And if you want support in building a recruitment funnel for your salon, make sure you check out my Build your Beauty Dream Team online course!

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