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Solve Your Brand Awareness Problem And Start Hiring

The pains of building a team in the professional beauty industry are not new, they are just different today. The top two challenges I hear from salon owners are The exciting thing about these two problems is that they have the same solution. That means that you can put your energy towards one thing and […]

Creating an Unforgettable Onboarding Experience

Salons are experts at creating amazing guest experiences. I imagine that inside your salon, the leadership team is regularly assessing how well they are doing at retaining new and existing clients. If you are anything like me you pay a ton of attention to different experiences you have as a consumer that really “wow” you […]

Writing Effective Job Posts

Learning to write a great job post may require some changes to the traditional help wanted ad. What does it take?

It’s All About Flexibility

Flexibility is quickly becoming a buzzword. Or for some salon leaders, it’s a word that just makes you cringe. It can be overwhelming to imagine how we could possibly be any more flexible than you are right now. For other salon leaders, you have leaned all in on flexibility and feel great about it.  Why […]

Make A Good First Impression

Recruiting salon stylists or any salon talent takes a new level of effort from salon leaders. Making it more critical than ever that you remove every possible barrier for the talent which makes it to the first interview. The last thing you want is to spend time having an interview that you think went great, […]

Recruiting = Recruitment Marketing

Leadership comes with serious choices. What type of leader do you want to be? The salons leaders who guide their stylists offer them the greatest chances of success.

Is the employee-based salon model still viable?

As we enter into the spring of 2022 the conversation I’m having with a lot of salons owners can be drilled down to one specific question.  “Is the employee-based salon model still viable?” This is something that everyone who owns a business in professional beauty has wondered about at some point in the last few […]