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Surveying your Salon Team

Surveying your team should be an annual activity that gives you fresh insight and inspiration into the story you have to tell. Learn how to do it right.

Avoiding Burnout as a Salon Leader

Salon owners are responsible for so many areas in the salon. There is a tendency to pour out all your reserves for others. Avoiding burnout is a major challenge.

When should you hire staff for your salon?

Historically salons hire when one of two events occurs in their business.  We realize that we have no Saturday appointments available for weeks Someone quits If you found yourself experiencing one of these two things, you likely got to work pretty quickly posting a job ad or emailing your local school letting them know you […]

Knowing Your Why as a Salon Leader

As the leader in the business, you need to get crystal clear on your why before you can begin to attract the right people. Your why is going to shape so many elements of your business

Refueling As A Leader

When it comes to running a successful salon you must remember to take time out to replenish your energy stores. Time away is the ticket to recharging.