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Surveying your Salon Team

Surveying your team should be an annual activity that gives you fresh insight and inspiration into the story you have to tell. Learn how to do it right.

Avoiding Burnout as a Salon Leader

Salon owners are responsible for so many areas in the salon. There is a tendency to pour out all your reserves for others. Avoiding burnout is a major challenge.

Refueling As A Leader

When it comes to running a successful salon you must remember to take time out to replenish your energy stores. Time away is the ticket to recharging.

3 Steps to Showing Your Salon Team Gratitude

I appreciate you. Thank you for your hard work. I don’t know what we would do with you. You are an important part of this team. There are hundreds of ways to say thank you to our teams and often times we overlook them. I was personally very guilty of feeling all of “the feels” […]