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Knowing Your Why as a Salon Leader

As the leader in the business, you need to get crystal clear on your why before you can begin to attract the right people. Your why is going to shape so many elements of your business

Refueling As A Leader

When it comes to running a successful salon you must remember to take time out to replenish your energy stores. Time away is the ticket to recharging.

What is Employee Autonomy?

Understanding the role of autonomy in creating a better work environment is key to creating a strong, cohesive salon team.

3 Steps to Showing Your Salon Team Gratitude

I appreciate you. Thank you for your hard work. I don’t know what we would do with you. You are an important part of this team. There are hundreds of ways to say thank you to our teams and often times we overlook them. I was personally very guilty of feeling all of “the feels” […]

Looking At Your Full Recruiting Strategy

Finding salon talent is not as simple as it used to be. In the “old days,” we would post a job on Indeed or Facebook and wait for the right stylist to apply. Post and Pray is done for.  “I posted a job on Indeed and no one is applying” This point commonly frustrates the […]

How to Build Relationships With Salon Schools

If you ask anyone in the beauty industry who their first mentor is I guarantee you that over half of the people will name an instructor or advisor from their school program. This is the reason building relationships with the staff at your local beauty schools is ESSENTIAL to your recruiting success.