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Surveying your Salon Team

Surveying your team should be an annual activity that gives you fresh insight and inspiration into the story you have to tell. Learn how to do it right.

Knowing Your Why as a Salon Leader

As the leader in the business, you need to get crystal clear on your why before you can begin to attract the right people. Your why is going to shape so many elements of your business

What is Employee Autonomy?

Understanding the role of autonomy in creating a better work environment is key to creating a strong, cohesive salon team.

Leverage Your Leadership As A Recruiting Tool

Leadership impacts recruiting talent – not just retaining talent. It is no secret that the top reason employees leave a business is because they don’t like their management or leader. This data is clearly showcased in reports conducted by the Gallup Organization and in the 2021 State of the Industry Workforce Report conducted by Talent […]

Offering Benefits to Your Team

As business leaders it is more important than ever that we bring business practices to the table that elevate our industry.